Friday, July 1, 2011

Meltdown at Harris Lake (6hr)--3rd

Brrr, it was a cold start.
February 20th, 2010
Seven laps at 5:50:37, ~56 miles (9.58mph)
Bike: Soul Cycles Hooligan SS, 32:18, IRC Mythos IRC tires.

The 3rd 6hr race in the TORC series was my toughest.  This race started cold but ended up warm.  I did not time the peeling of layers well because I did not want to loose time pitting...mistake!  I ended up being to warm too long and I ultimately got passed by Performance Team member (and all around nice guy) Chris Danz, and I had no energy to stay with him.  I learned that short pits are o.k., and can certainly be beneficial in the long run.  Still, thanks to guys like Briskie, Bean, Saputra and Gracey not showing, I ended up in 3rd; thanks guys!

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